LIVE EVENT Designing the Future: Novel, Scalable Stem Cell Culture and RNA Technology Wednesday, February 26th, 20254pm London, 5pm Berlin, 8pm Dubai REGISTER NOW From Bench to Beam: A Complete Correlative Cryo Light Microscopy WorkflowWebinarAI-Powered 3D Organoid AnalysisWebinarMulti-View Light Sheet Microscopy to Track Cell Lineages in Tissue MorphogenesisWebinarEnhancing 3D Spatial Biology with AI: Simplified Insights for AllWebinarPrecision Sectioning Redefined: Bringing Ultramicrotomy to the Digital AgeWebinarImaging GPCR Activity: Unravelling Mechanisms from Molecules to MorphologyWebinarNew TauSTED Tools for Gentle Live Imaging at Nanoscale ResolutionWebinarCellular Crosstalk in Neurodevelopmental DisordersWebinarMultiplex Imaging to Visualize Liver Cancer Stem Cell NichesWebinarConsiderations for Multiplex Live Cell ImagingeBookThe Power of Spatial Biology: A Microscopy GuideeBookMicroscope Cameras for Life ScienceWhitepaperWhich Stereo Microscope Is Right for You?WhitepaperAdvancing 3D Culture ImagingeBookElevate Your Research with Spatial InsightsWebinarA Platform for Exploring Subcellular Spatial PhenotypesWebinarSee the Hidden: Adding Time to the Correlative EquationWebinarReveal Hidden Information in Your Microscopy Experiments With the Power of AIWorkshopA Novel Human Brain Organoid Model to Study Microglia Phenotypes in Health and DiseaseWebinarWindows On Neurovascular PathologiesWebinarAccelerate Scientific Progress: The Power of Reproducibility, Collaboration and New Imaging TechnologiesWebinarBreaking the Ice: Freeze Fracture for Cryo SEMWebinarSee the Hidden: Spatial ProteomicsWorkshopVirtual Reality Showcase for Stellaris: Leica’s Confocal Microscopy PlatformWebinarMultiplex Annotated Tissue Imaging System (MANTIS®)WebinarSee the Hidden: Correlative Techniques for Electron MicroscopyWorkshopAdvanced Cryo Preparation TechniquesWebinarFive-Color Sted With a Single Depletion Laser and Fluorescence Lifetime Phasor SeparationWebinarThe Role of Iron Metabolism in Cancer ProgressionWebinarUltramicrotomy:The Cutting Edge of SectioningWebinarSee the Hidden: Spatial Biology IIWorkshopLive-Cell Fluorescence Lifetime Multiplexing Using Organic FluorophoresWebinarSee the Hidden: Translational Cancer ResearchWorkshopSee the Hidden: Spatial BiologyWebinarVisualizing Protein-Protein Interactions by Non-fitting and Easy FRET-FLIM ApproachesWebinarFree eBook: Microscopy for Neuroscience ResearcheBookDiscover a New Era in Microscopy. Meet Mica.WebinarLive Imaging Across Scales and TimeeBookCoral Cryo: Access What MattersWebinarLAS X Navigator Tutorial Navigating Live Cell ImagingWebinarThe POWER of STELLARIS…WebinarThe POTENTIAL of STELLARIS…WebinarThe PRODUCTIVITY of STELLARIS…WebinarOptimizing THUNDER Platform for High-Content Slide ScanningWebinarDissecting Proteomic Heterogeneity of the Tumor MicroenvironmentWebinarRegulators of Actin Cytoskeletal Regulation and Cell Migration in Human NK CellsWebinarAdding Dimensions to Multiplex Molecular ImagingWebinarHigh-Pressure Freezing: Revealing Functional Mechanisms of Synaptic TransmissionWebinarRevealing Cellular Dynamics with Millisecond Precision – The New Tool That Turned Electron Micrographs into Motion Pictures of Neural CommunicationWebinarOptimized Cryo Workflows Using the Vacuum Cryo Transfer System VCT500WebinarHow to Conduct Localized Proteomics of Microscopic RegionsWebinarAdvances in Cellular Imaging by Cryo-3D Correlative Light and Electron TomographyWebinarLive Cell Isolation by Laser MicrodissectionWebinarExpanding the Limits of Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation with the Leica EM ICE High Pressure FreezerWebinarArray Tomography for SEM 3D ReconstructionWebinarInvestigating Synapses in Brain Slices With Enhanced Functional Electron MicroscopyArticleRevealing Functional Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission by High-Pressure FreezingWebinarEM Sample Preparation Workflow Solutions for Life ScienceeBookExplore a New Dimension of Information With TauSenseFlyerHigh Resolution Array Tomography With Automated Serial SectioningCase StudyCreate Publication Quality Fluorescence Microscopy Images With the Help of Leica Microsystems’ Science Lab ResourceArticleAivia: The Future of AI MicroscopyWebinarGet Closer to the Truth With the STELLARIS Confocal Microscope PlatformWorkshopBiodegradable Harmonophores for Targeted High-Resolution In Vivo Tumour ImagingWebinarAnalysing 3D Specimens With Widefield Microscopy Using Leica THUNDER Imaging SystemsWorkshopWhat the Shape of Our Cells Says About Our Health and Disease: Using Ai-Powered Single Cell Morphology Analysis to Describe the States of CancerWebinarUltramicrotomy for Room Temperature and Cryo ApplicationsWorkshopBridging Structure and Dynamics at the Nanoscale Through Optogenetics and Electrical StimulationWhitepaperHow to Keep Your Samples Under Physiological ConditionsWhitepaperFast, high-quality vitrification with the EM ICE High Pressure FreezerWhitepaperWorkflows and Instrumentation for Cryo-Electron Microscopy: An OverviewWebinarExploring The Structure and Life Cycle of Viruses The Virologist’s Toolbox for Electron Microscopy Specimen PreparationWebinar