Analysing 3D Specimens With Widefield Microscopy Using Leica THUNDER Imaging Systems

On Demand

Dr Abdullah Ahmed

Advanced Workflow Specialist Leica Microsystems

Classic widefield microscopy is of limited use for cancer researchers investigating volumetric specimens as it can be difficult to obtain high-quality data. This is particularly true for feature analysis in thick 3D samples because of out-of-focus light. In this virtual practical session, you’ll discover the ease of use, speed, and sensitivity of THUNDER imagers, and see how to obtain a clear view of details even deep within the specimen thanks to Computational Clearing.

This presentation was recorded as part of the 4th virtual edition of the Leica Microsystems “See the Hidden” Workshop Series, hosted by Microscopy Focus. In collaboration with Imperial College London (ICL) and the Imperial College Network of Excellence in Cancer Technology, this joint event showcased how a multidisciplinary research approach is creating innovative new ideas for the detection, prevention, and ultimately the treatment of cancer.

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